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The Menstrual Cycle

You might know your period to be one week, but the Menstrual cycle is going all month long. Let’s talk about what the four phases are and why you should care.

4 Phases?

There are actually four phases in the Menstrual cycle that repeat every month; Follicular, Ovulatory, Luteal and Menstrual. They each represent an important shift in how our body is operating as it anticipates all the life changing opportunities. Okay, that is a little dramatic….but really.

Follicular Phase

This is the New beginning of your phases, like a New Moon. Your body is getting ready to make a baby all over again.

Ovulatory Phase

The is the most sought after time of the month, if you’re looking to plan or avoid reproduction. This is go time for your uterus, the time it spends all month getting ready for. You can almost always tell when you are in the ovulatory phase, because it that good hair day, or when you’re just feeling yourself.

Luteal Phase

If Eeyore was a menstrual phase this would be it. Ok, that’s a little dramatic-but seriously this is when you will get stuck in your feels, what ever those may be at the moment.

Menstrual Phase

This is the messy one, literally and figuratively. Our bodies are busy purging all the baby stuff it’s not going to use and you are just trying your best to maintain life as usual.

The End, Period?

That’s it, now you know what the body does, right?! Wrong. We have been led to believe our destiny consists of shameful bathroom visits and uncontrollable symptoms. Well, I have news for you, sister!!

Technology has come leaps and bounds in how we manage the clean up aspect of periods with the invention of period panties, tampon subscription services and the reusable internal products. I haven’t had the pleasure of trying any of the period or incontinence panties, but my friends tell me they provide the security without the bulk of liners and pads(for light days or spotting).

As we learn about the effects of artificial substances in our bodies, we have seen the products on the market evolve. Good ol’ O.B. has been known for clean cotton and waste-less application, but now with subscription services taking over, companies are serving it up right to your doorstep-that means no more awkward grocery store lines for your monthly essentials.

If you’re interested in trying a menstrual cup, I have and wrote about it here for you!

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