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Intuition: Are you Listening?

It might seem corny to say that I felt called to write this post, but I’m just listening to my intuition. There are many ways to honor your intuition when it calls and I’d love to talk about what those looks like, and how to interpret them.

What is Intuition?

Intuition can be defined as understanding something without any reasoning. These are things that we just know or feel. Sometimes it can be referred to as a gut instinct. This is a reaction to messages we receive or signs we see, subconsciously being processed as we experience life.

Our subconscious mind is constantly processing information, and looking for patterns. The brain processes this subconscious information when we make decisions and have first impressions. How reliable can intuition be if it’s influenced by only our experiences?

We’ve established that everything we experience is through the lens of our life up to that point. All of our sense memories can be conduits for messages. Our bodies are connected to our ancestors through our blood and flesh, so sometimes the messages we receive are through these physical sensations. You know when somethings makes your skin crawl, or the hair on the back of your neck stand up?

The deeper that you delve into the world of intuition, the more overwhelming it becomes, you become more empathetic and sensitive to more energy or emotions. An important part of strengthening your intuition is about paying attention to the patterns, instead of letting them happen to you(and trying to decipher them in the moment). The longer you pay attention to the patterns, you can see if you’re awareness is evolving or is fixated.

How do we strengthen our intuition?

The way that I started is treating it like a scientist. I wanted to know the science of intuition and clairvoyance. Asking questions and then keeping track of the results; How does it manifest in our body? What does it feel like? When do you know that you have reliable intuition?

Looking for Signs

Keep a journal or diary (it’s important to be able to look back on an accurate record, and it’s a waste of your energy to try remembering everything)

Numbers and Intuition

Numbers can be a really obvious one, they show up as the time, price, balance, and dates. They are constants in our lives, in all the systems we use. Let’s talk about how numbers get really significant;

All of these vessels carry meaning when we give it to them, and affirm things we feel. Numbers have generally accepted meanings, used in literature, on cards, or in games. Life Path numbers can reveal things about us, our personalities or behavior, similar to astrology and horoscopes. Angel numbers are sent messages that we are meant to decipher, affirm, or become aware of. Here are some brief number meanings;


There are many cultures who believe in the power of animals; their guidance, protection, and spiritual connection. An animal that keeps presenting itself to us can be trying to give us a message; showing up either in person, through art or photography. The message is unique to the animal, it’s important to keep track, so that you can see if there is a pattern emerging.

Animals remind us of the need for protection; physically, emotionally, and mentally. They embody the need to display or cultivate certain characteristics in ourselves. These animals keep us connected to the earth and how all kinds of life work cohesively. Here are some examples of animal meanings;

Intuitive Colors

Colors are magickal, no matter who you are. Rainbows stop us in our tracks, and command our attention. Like our numbers, colors have generally accepted meanings assigned to them based on what your background is. Colors can be warm or cool, in nature tell us when the seasons and weather are changing. Chakras are connected to specific colors, helping us tune into those centers of emotion and energy. Here are some color meanings;

Song Lyrics and Words

Do you ever hear a song that feels like it’s speaking right to you? Sometimes we hear the words we need in a song or on a show. The message comes at just the right time for a decision we are trying to make, or validation we need.

Songs can transport us to another place or feeling. These feelings can be overwhelming and confusing when we aren’t grounded in our own feelings. When we know our own feelings about things, it will be easier to decipher what the message is.


Synchronicities are known as meaningful coincidences in our lives. Carl Jung was the first person to identify this concept, and mapped how it mirrors our deep psychological processes. Things manifest like in our dreams, to validate what we feel and know. The repeating signs create a path between where we are and where we’re going. Is this our subconscious showing us what our deepest desires are, leading us?

The message is amplified with synchronicity, and it becomes harder to question the more it repeats. It’s up to you to decide if the message is worth listening to. The thing about the universe is, that it will keep at it, until we heed the memo.

All of these things, these signs can be called just coincidences. Or they can be everyday magick. Signs can be misread or misinterpreted when we’re not really paying attention, or if we’re letting our ego lead. That can be it’s own blog post, and will be at some point. In the mean time, let’s keep our journals and listen to what is going on inside, before we look outside for these signs.


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