This post has been a long time coming. I have spent the last year looking inward at myself and exploring my own beliefs. I am such a different person than I was before, and I am so grateful for it! This blog post is about, as simply as I could put, the concepts that resonate with me.
Experimenting with my spirituality felt wrong, because it was inconsistent and felt forced. I stopped looking for a long time, until I saw someone do something in a way I had never known before. The religion that I grew up practicing discouraged connecting to our creator in ways other than described in the bible. A singular source for all your spiritual needs. It took a long time to get over my shame and fear of spreading some cards out and trying to interpret their meaning.
Talking about Tarot
I had always thought of the psychic in the movies, cloaked in shawls and spreading ominous cards to tell people their future. I was always taught this was evil and would only make me vulnerable to bad entities. There is truth to that, but there is also such a different way things can be.
I saw how intimate reading cards could be, but also how subjective they were. Each has a intimate representation of a stage or event in everyone’s lives. All life happens in phases or cycles, and we study these cycles to hep identify where you are at in the process. Being more self aware is the first step to listening to your intuition.
Enter the Woo
When you open the door to a new way of thinking, sometimes it floods in. After being diagnosed with PCOS, it was clear I needed to figure out how to make self care a priority. I had to really give meditation a chance. I knew about how our bodies naturally cycled from my high school biology, but I did not realize we could be syncing in cycle with the moon.
We know from physics that everything has it’s own vibration, so when people talk about good vibes-it is a thing. Studies have shown that even plants flourish in positive versus negative environments. We also know from physics that everything from a molecular level has a vibration.
The Power of One
It all comes back to the power we hold in our own hands. Sometimes we overlook how much we have at our own disposal, and take it for granted. When we own what we have control over, and are able to move forward with action we are owning our divinity.
People like to complicate things to feel important, but the message that the universe keeps sending me is that; the small things in life create the big things, and without all of the little pieces to put together, none of the big stuff matters. It may be hard to accept, but we always expected divine wisdom to be so intrinsic and extravagant. The journey it takes to get to the old man at the top of the mountain is a metaphor for the obstacles we continue to choose for ourselves in life, and the disappointment that the sage guidance could be merely that peace is found in our minds before we find it in life.
Gifts are Good
Everyone has many gifts that they are good at, but we usually take them for granted because they come easily to us. Other people can identify them easily, but we have trouble seeing them from outside our situation.
One of the gifts I was blessed with, is being able to take in information and easily explain it. I have always had a hungry curiosity, sometimes to the disdain of my classmates, but without fail-when someone has a question or needs guidance they come to me. In efforts to own this power, I have been opening myself up to greater things in this universe and structuring my energy to handle the big vibrations.
I would challenge you to look at yourself and see what talents you have-that people come to you for advice or expertise. Own those things that light you up. Own your value here and now. Spend time with people that make you feel good. Never hesitate when a song slips from your lips or your body starts to sway. Allow yourself to be lit up.
Expression of Worship
There are so many ways to connect with our great source. We are usually taught that this is done by praying, meditating, journaling, and fellowship. I was introduced the to the idea that the things we enjoy are an expression of reverence. You literally light up the world when you are who you are.